I can't play any instruments but listening to music has been my greatest passion for as long as I can remember.

By the time I became a teenager I must have owned about 100 45 RPM records. My friends gathered at my house and we would play records and dance for hours. I was still living just outside Detroit when Motown began producing fantastic music.

As I made my way to becoming an elderly gentleman I gathered, especially saving favorites I filed online, a great history of various genres of American music with a good bit of British talents mixed in.

I loved dancing, too.

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Music can stir up so wonderful memories 😘😘

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I had to click on Puppet on a String! What memories. My matriculation years - my first efforts at growing up, readying for university. First steady boyfriend. Morphing from child to woman.

I have such an eclectic music love - so much of my parents' music from the 40's and 50's is loved, classics, pop, anything and everything. And yes, it will often press buttons and memories will flood in.

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There are so many memories tied up in music 😘😘

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Jun 24Liked by Jo Linney

My happy place is in my car with music blaring - preferably without kids telling me to turn it down! A stressful day can vanish in an instance with a good tune playing. I relive the dancing we did with mum to their records with my daughter now in the kitchen. Fond memories of car journeys as children with Dire Straits, Genesis or Roxy Music…Music is the spice of life I feel, now it’s as the mood takes me, from Abba to Bruce, Eminem to Foo Fighters or the Rolling Stones to Luke Combs or Marshmello

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I love the idea of the kids telling you to turn it down. I remember my days coming home from wherever I was in my convertible music full blast on one of the motorways. Bliss 😘😘

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I love the Nessun Dorma story, Jo! What a lovely memory. I find music so powerful and even more so as I get older. Since going back to just teaching music, I’ve rekindled some of the love for the subject that I used to have. It’s nice.

I’ve also remembered that I haven’t replied to your email so I will do that shortly. Xxx

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It’s lovely when you rekindle a passion for something 😘😘

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Oh my, such a HUGE topic! Music has played a MAJOR role in my life, from learning an instrument (well, two, actually) in elementary school and singing in the school choir to sitting in my rocking chair being transported away on the subliminal sound of a song that has captured my soul.

As a child, I tried listening to pop on the transistor radio, but got hated the chatter, so I would sit for hours listening to vinyls on my portable turntable, singing along with the lyrics printed on the inserts. Sometimes, the older girl across the street would invite me over to listen to her new vinyl, usually the Beatles. Every week, a bunch of us would head downtown to the one department store to buy a 78 double-sided single. I still have my box of them somewhere.

When hubby and I were just becoming friends, we discovered music in common, and would lay on the floor, in the dark, listening to music turned up loud. It was transcendent. I, too, have varied taste in music and have recently discovered that more than half of the bands in my current playlist are of the genre "post-grunge." Not your average fare for a woman of my age, but I love it.

Thanks for the fun topic Jo!

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