Jo, thank you for putting something like this out here. I've been consistently journaling for about the last 15 years, and it may be the one thing that has somehow preserved my sanity after all of the nonsense and beauty that life has tossed my way. It's interesting that you touch on the cons of journaling into old age, as I have definitely found myself falling into the trap of negative feedback loops and reinforcing fallacies, but as long as you allow yourself to consciously recognize yourself falling into these behaviors, you can pull yourself into the other direction.

My journal is where I plan, it's where I talk it through with myself to overcome the pain in my life (admittedly a long process), it's where I forge my self-discipline, and even serves as a landing pad for some of their weird ideas that get turned into Substack essays. Overall, the benefits have blown far past any of the negatives.

I plan on journaling as long as my hands and brain allows me to. It's my private workshop and I couldn't imagine a live without it.

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Thank you Dan, you have summed up Journalling beautifully. I put that con there but you are right you can pull yourself in the other direction. I would also argue that when we spend a lot of time on our own if we are in that mindset, I find it rattles around in my empty head and can get bigger and bigger. Journalling helps dump it on the page and read it back it can help me put it back in its box. Xxx

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Was feeling a bit guilty today because I have not opened my journal for over a week. Thanks for the prompt. First Shop I remember was a little five and dime across the street that Sold a bit of everything. Notebooks and pencils, a few toys, perhaps household necessities. Owned by Mr.and Mrs. Thomson, it was just called Thompson's. I don't really when it went out of business.

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I love this memory Jo. We had similar shops but they are all gone now 😔😘😘

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Love this idea, Jo! I’m all in for daily prompts…sharing here or as a post. It will be good for memory/brain workout😀and help our writing skills! Plus the big bonus of meeting new friends! 😊🩷

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28Author

Thank you Joan, I am now going to spend my Easter weekend of working out how. I think I will start with a chat stream ……….. you’ve called my bluff, thank you. Watch this space 😘😘😘

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😅😊I can’t be the only one… you’ll be fun to work with!

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What a lovely idea. My daily posts on my newsletter are my substitute for daily journalling, but I like the idea of writing to a specific prompt with others on this aging journey, So...My first distinct memory is of the local soda fountain in my small Pittsburgh PA suburb (name of suburb was GreenTree, isn't that delightful!) It was a small, narrow store, had a long counter with stools, and you could get ice cream cones, root beer floats, hot fudge sundaes (and I think they sold candy.) Much of the suburb was built in 1950s, but I think this soda fountain was on the main 2-3 block street, which had existed as main shopping center (with hardware store, bakery, dry cleaners, fire station, etc) for pre WWII homes to the north of the street. Much more like a small village center, and while I am sure I had been in a larger supermarket with my mother before this, I am not surprised that this place, in walking distance from my elementary school, was my first strong memory!!!

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Thank you Louisa, I love your memory of the soda fountain. I maybe way off but your description reminds me of my all time favourite film “Its a Wonderful Life.”

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Lovely post Jo, not sure why people would unsubscribe, but clearly not you people 🥰 The first shop I remember is the corner shop on my nan’s road (it’s converted back to housing now). I have fond memories of my lovely nan taking me and my cousins there to buy sweets ❤️ thank you for bringing that memory up for me xx

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Thank you Nicola. Lovely memory 😋😘

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I didn't have a journal as a girl and then only journaled when life was really challenging. About a year ago, I started journaling everyday stuff and listing what I'd read and watched. Then I'd record any dreams I remembered. The idea was to see if I could find a correlation between my activities and dreams. Sometimes yes and sometimes no.

The first shop I remember was what we called the Dime Store. It had a wide variety of goods at what we would call discount prices today. It was like an early Walmart or Target. I loved wandering that store. There was always something new to discover!

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