Apr 11Liked by Jo Linney

"This too shall pass" indeed. In the early days of dealing with MS a friend suggested I poke it in the eye each morning before I get up........I reckon it's got one very black eye!

The apt phrase I love is: Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the ground, in the morning, the devil says "Oh crap, she's up!"

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I always find a walk is a lovely reset Jo! The day isn't over yet x

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Apr 11Liked by Jo Linney

And I always wake and think what’s the one good thing happening today - could be a nice dinner, squeezing in a run or even getting to wear a new pair of earrings. Someone else told me about ‘grounding’ - first thing going outside bare foot and feeling the ground beneath your feet. Seems like another thing to add to the list to me but nice thought!

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I suppose the mood buster I hear about most often is to practice gratitude. For myself, I hate using it as a practice because I prefer organic responses to manufactured ones. I suppose, too, because I have a strong cheerful, inquisitive side to me, I can easily move from being grumpy to "ooh, look at how orange the poppies are today!" This morning as I peeked out the window and saw the brightly shining sun, my first thought was how pretty it is. Then, a bit later, the bright sun started bringing in grumpy thoughts of how hot it will be today. Just adding that to your quote that cuts both ways.

On our weather: Yesterday, it was predicted to get to 75 degrees F, which usually means around 80. Yeah, well, I took a picture of my car's temperature reading. 96 degrees! Tomorrow we're supposed to drop into the low-60s and then on Saturday the low-50s with rain! I'm too scared to look any further . . .

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Well, I really felt like a winner because I did all 5, counting the magnesium. My acupuncturist suggested taking magnesium to me years ago to stop having leg cramps (we called them "charlie horses" when I was young...I am now refusing to go down a rabbit hole on that!) Really works, so now I can also attribute the fact that I also am generally in good mood in mornings. And I love reading substacks in morning that get me to chuckle, and that Orben quote did the trick this morning!!!!

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I think some mornings, some days are just like that. Just like the weather, we have our own cloudy days.

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Not sure if you caught the news the other day about how writing your angry thoughts down and then throwing away the piece of paper is proven now scientifically to work wonders. Thought of you when I heard that - although I guess ‘keeping’ a journal is more to the point!! 😉

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