May 24Liked by Jo Linney

I'm with you every step on the need to register and vote. It is particularly important to encourage in senior school years. I can remember being so proud to apply for a vote as soon as I could.

Just a word about conflating your England experience with the UK. Scotland, NI and to some extent, Wales, all have options to vote for parties seeking independence. They are not the lunatic fringe of English nationalism; our politicians, far from perfect, present us with a very different vision for the future and in Scotland and NI are in government. So, here, your simple red/blue divide with merest hint of yellow is irrelevant. Like everyday sexism it is everyday England-ism. Just observing.

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Apologies Linda. No offence intended. I genuinely was not referring to the party colours, just primary colours. The parties often don’t change the colour of the buses. There are green, purple and other party colours even in England. We have a Green distrct council in my area. 😘😘

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When I heard the announcement yesterday, I had a brief panic when I realised I would be out of the country. I have resisted a postal vote as I have always wanted my children to see me voting. However what I found out yesterday is that you can request a postal vote for just one election, and it is really easy, I did it in 5 minutes with my NI number. I feel so grateful to the Suffragettes for their sacrifice and I wish more people would engage with the democratic process, even with the terrible state of our politics these days. Great piece Jo x

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I have no excuse for a postal vote. The polling station is less than 50 yards from my house 😁 Enjoy your holiday 😘😘

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Coming from the US, we're looking at almost 6 months yet before the election. Ugh!! But yes, voting is so important. I've been writing postcards and letters to voters for months already and will keep it up, even though I wish I didn't have to! I enjoyed your blather, Jo! 😂

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Thank you Cherie. It is important to ensure all our democracies continue and voting is so important 😁😘

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Thank you for saying so eloquently what I think and feel about voting.

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Me eloquent are you reading the same post Helen 🤣😘

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May 27Liked by Jo Linney

In my home state of Idaho, we have found that making the registration process confusing and even intimidating effectively limits voting. It’s an old tool that’s recently been dusted off. Very discouraging to see it in action.

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That's not good, hopefully it will be challenged xxx

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Our polling station is only 5 minutes walk from our house. We’ll definitely be voting. Huge thanks to all those who volunteer to oversee the voting and counting. Some spend all day in the Polling Stations.

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I agree x

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I’m with you on this, Jo. A great piece and vote we must but I have no idea where my cross will land at the moment.

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I would try and influence you but I won’t 🤣🤣😘

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I hope by July 4th it's going to become clearer where to put my X, Jo as at the moment there's no obvious choice. But you're right, vote we must.

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It is something people fought hard for women and men 😘

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