This was so refreshing to read, Jo (aren't those both lovely rhythmic words to say, eclectic, eccentric... each syllable is just so fun!). I feel like this is what I needed to read among one too many 'how to succeed on Substack' posts... I think I don't like them. They make me think of LinkedIn or YouTube 'hustle' videos. For what it's worth, I think Substack is about showing up as yourself, which you've done consistently for months – and that's lovely!

1. I have become more organised as I've gotten older, prioritising simple-as-possible systems, as a means of reining in my own very scattered brain.

2. I've owned my eccentricities more, which ironically probably serve to normalise them and make them seem less eccentric to others (and therefore, in turn, to myself)

3. Who knows!

Thank you as ever for all your eccentricity and eclecticism.

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Hi Francesca, thank you so much for you lovely comment I will now become the old curmudgeon with loads of eccentricity and eclecticism... maybe not too much of a mouth full xx

ps it's all your fault I am here in Substack 😂

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Hi Jo, I’m sampling your posts. Sampling because there are so many I don’t know where to start and like a box of chocolates I’ve tasted a few and enjoyed what I’ve eaten so far. I find your words leave me wanting to sample some more and I want to reply. Then I feel like that is a little strange - as if we might engage in an actual communication unlike commenting on other media platforms where adding a comment is like talking to a brick wall. I guess I instantly felt a connection with some of what you have voiced. The scattergun approach to posts - my Substack began that way, then I decided I needed to follow a direction and began a series of similar posts and then there has been a pause. I endeavoured to post every week and if I’m being truthful the idea of posting on one theme if you like has added an element of pressure that has stopped me posting and the whole idea of my Substack was to present my ramblings, good, bad or indifferent so I feel I have ‘failed’. And pause. I have journaled in the past and something is pulling me in that direction. And yet I hesitate. Why? So I think you. Scattergun is good. For me anyway. I am disorganised and always have been. I used to say and believe I was fearful of change, but as I’ve got older I realise I am constantly needing new stimulation - is it that we are nearing the end - we want to make the most of our remaining years? It is true our youthful days are behind us and unlike you I don’t readily use the word old rather older. I’m only 57 but along with menopause and my empty nest some mornings I feel positively ancient. Plus I am ‘retired’. Early due to the stresses and stains of teaching which finished me off. Now I pursue a life of creativity or rather have returned to my creative self - I’ve always put pen to paper, but dabble in photography and most recently have pursued an adventure into life modelling … to answer your questions - btw I too look up multiple definitions - are we more eccentric, less or just the same? I’ve not changed. Whether I’m eccentric or not … am I more eclectic? I’d love to be but Hubble doesn’t like me filling the house with ‘tatt!’ Gotta go. Gotta make his lordship his dinner.

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Thank you for a lovely thoughtful post Julie. Like the idea of being a box of chocolates as long as I am not the strawberry cream.😄 As you say sticking to a theme does add more stress. I am definitely too old to try and become organised. You are still young. But there are many challenges as we grow old. A creative dabbling life is good. Thank you for joining my substack xxxxx

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Haha another strawberry cream hater. Me too!

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Love this post, a really interesting read and well researched x

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Thank you Nicola xxxx

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Oh I love this Jo, I think I am eccentric with an eclectic taste - but who knows and I could probably drive myself round the twist trying work out exactly where I fit. Nowhere I like to think, I've never wanted to be in put in box. Much rather have a scattergun approach than just follow one narrow path.

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You and me both Lindsey xxx

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I am both, neither and everything else, too. Terrific post, Jo - I've learned a great deal from your research, and you've expressed so brilliantly many things to which I can relate!

1. I've become more organised but at the same time don't care so much that I don't FEEL organised. Paradox, much? 😉

2. More, more, more eccentric. I would be soooo disappointed if one morning in my fifties (starting later this year!) I happen to wake up feeling that I am LESS eccentric than the day before.

3. Definitely more eclectic. Again, I can link this to the not-caring-so-much side of things. I'm more confident about doing whatever the h*ll I like - and if that doesn't at least partially define eclecticism then heck, I need a new dictionary!

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Eclectic definitely, but your posts follow a pattern: intro, cite examples and research, wrap up and "what did I learn." Always with humor and taking an honest look at yourself. That's why I enjoy reading your writing so much!

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